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Company history


One of European leading transport service providers was founded in the Saar region over 60 years ago. Time to hold for a moment and look back at how it all began …

Karl Fixemer GmbH & Co KG, Fixemer Group’s parent company, was established in Eft –a town in the German state of Saarland – in 1951 by Karl Fixemer, 20 years old at that time.

Karl Fixemer was born in 1931 during the Great Depression. Starting as an entrepreneur during the tough post-war time, his curiosity and single-mindedness soon helped him build up the first international shipping lines to neighbouring France.

From his pre-war lorry, he transformed his transport business into an efficient logistical network of clients and shipping partners, extending well beyond the borders of Europe.

Like most of companies, we had to come through periods of crisis – and invariably emerged stronger, with a renewed sense of determination. These good times – and especially the liberalisation of transport routes, the abolition of borders within Europe and the opening up of the east – saw exponential increases in the levels of freight, paving the way for rapid expansion.

The company strategy and development are defined by its international outlook and focus on a core field of expertise. Sound judgement and receptiveness to new ideas and cultures can be traced back to the founder Karl Fixemer. The company’s success and self-image live on through his sons and successors Joachim and Christian Fixemer. When you keep your eyes on  targets, barriers and borders can be overcome.

Fixemer Logistics connects customers and shipping partners across borders.


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